
每年一度的大学英语四六级考试在2020“虽迟但到”。那么我们来跟随 教育对此次考试题目中的作文项目进行一个深度了解。所以废话不多,我们来看看由 老师在拿到真题之后第一时间给出的范文,以供参考。另一方面,过多使用在线词典可能会阻碍语言学习,尤其是对学生来说。如果学生过于依赖在线词典,他们可能会停止学习新单词。同时,人们也应该意识到,在线词典不仅是用来查新单词的,也是用来学习词汇的。每年一度的大学英语四六级考试在2020“虽迟但到”。那么我们来跟随 教育对此次考试题目中的作文项目进行一个深度了解。所以废话不多...



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on online dictionaries. You can start your essay with the sentence "Online dictionaries are becoming increasingly popular. " You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


每年一度的大学英语四六级考试在2020“虽迟但到”。那么我们来跟随 教育对此次考试题目中的作文项目进行一个深度了解。我们这次拿到的话题是在线词典考研的英文,那么不难看出此次题目所考察的话题是很贴合时事的互联网应用美术类考研东联考研,当然从题目本身也可知此次作文主要考查学生的立意和论述角度与立场。所以废话不多中农考研,我们来看看由 老师在拿到真题之后第一时间给出的范文,以供参考。


The increasing popularity of using online dictionaries has aroused a heated discussion about its advantages and disadvantages. People from different walks of life hold quite different views on this issue. Some people think it is convenient to look up new words, but others think it does more harm than good.

For one thing, online dictionaries are lighter than traditional ones and save time. All you need to do is download an online dictionary on your mobile phone instead of carrying a thick dictionary with you.When you encounter a new word, tap the screen can rescue you from embarrassment. On the other hand, too much use of online dictionaries may hinder language learning, especially for students. Looking up words in a traditional dictionary takes time, but it can enhance your memory of the words at the same time. If students rely too much on online dictionaries, they may stop learning new words.

From my perspective, it is very crucial to update apps regularly to improve the overall quality. At the same time, people should also realize that online dictionaries are not only used to look up new words, but also to learn vocabulary. Only in this way can people really enjoy the benefits of online dictionaries.







Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the use of PowerPoint(PPT) in class. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


每年一度的大学英语四六级考试在2020“虽迟但到”。那么我们来跟随 教育对此次考试题目中的作文项目进行一个深度了解。我们这次拿到的话题是幻灯片的使用考研题答案,那么不难看出此次题目所考察的话题是很贴合时事的互联网应用考研英语2,当然从题目本身也可知此次作文主要考查学生的立意和论述角度与立场。所以废话不多,我们来看看由 老师在拿到真题之后第一时间给出的范文网络考研考研宣言,以供参考。


The use of PowerPoint is becoming increasingly in class. We can see many teachers presenting their students essential teaching materials with the help of PowerPoint, which has become the most common teaching method around the world.

The reasons why teachers enjoy using PowerPoint while teaching instead of writing on old-fashioned blackboards lie in the following three aspects. To begin with, using PowerPoint to present teaching materials can save both teachers’ and students’ plenty of time in class. Furthermore, using PowerPoint is so convenient for lecturers that they can present the knowledge rapidly. Besides, PowerPoint generally has more storage of information because, there is almost no limit of digital space for this slide show presentation program on computers.

Above all, PowerPoint is one of the greatest inventions in such a digital world. With it, teachers can not only enhance their efficiency of presenting knowledge in class, but also promote the enjoyment of modern class through these vivid materials.



教师在教学中喜欢使用PowerPoint而不是在老式黑板上写字的原因有以下三个方面。首先想考研51考研网,使用PowerPoint演示教学材料可以节省教师和学生在课堂上的大量时间。此外30考研,使用PowerPoint对讲师来说非常方便英语考研作文真题,他们可以快速地展示知识。此外西农考研,PowerPoint通常有更多的信息存储23岁考研考研 农学,因为在电脑上几乎没有对这种幻灯片演示程序的数字空间的限制。




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on Online libraries. You can start your essay with the sentence "Online libraries are becoming increasingly popular. " You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


每年一度的大学英语四六级考试在2020“虽迟但到”。那么我们来跟随 教育对此次考试题目中的作文项目进行一个深度了解。我们这次拿到的话题是在线图书馆的普及,那么不难看出此次题目所考察的话题是很贴合时事的互联网应用考研340,当然从题目本身也可知此次作文主要考查学生的立意和论述角度与立场。所以废话不多高分子考研45岁考研,我们来看看由 老师在拿到真题之后第一时间给出的范文考研政治书,以供参考。


Online libraries are becoming increasingly popular.We can see that many passengers only use their mobile phones to read online books in the subway, and many students scroll their computer screens to search for the information they need for their papers.What an amazing time it is!

There are three reasons why we prefer online libraries to traditional offline library reading. First of all, reading online can save us a lot of time. Besides, reading through the online library is so convenient for us that we can find the books we need quickly without any effort, just with a few clicks on the keyboard. In addition, online libraries usually have more books because there is no limit of space on the Internet.

In short, online libraries are one of the greatest inventions of the modern world.We can not only improve our efficiency in acquiring knowledge and information, but also promote the spread of fresh and innovative ideas without the limitation of time and space.




